Quality of wife, son, friend and father according to Chanakya

It's nature gift to women to be courageous, illusive, foolish, decitful, greedy, impious and cruel. (no doubt) these are the innate attributes of a woman.
Being served with very delicious dishes and having the strength to digest it possessing a very good looking woman and having the calibre enjoy her, possessing rihes along with the heart to dole out by way of almsare the outcome of one's no less arbous penance and austeriies.

Who has an obedient son, a pious wife and who flollows the vediepath, and is satisfied with his material belongings, than he is living verily in the heaven.

He is son who has the real feeling most devoted to his father and he is the real father who takes a lot of care of his son and brought him up with proper care and he is the real freind who is trusted, similarity she is the real wife who delights her husband by heart in every manner and matter, (According to Chankaya these are the symbols of good son, good father, good friend and devoted wife.)

Shun a freind who speak fair on the face but act foul in the absence, like a pitcher filled with venom but having milk in the opening. (such a friend is not freind at all, and is more dangerous than enemy.)

One should never faith on bad friend and don't even trust your best friend. Because when he is anger he can expose your secrets out of a grudge. (Chankaya advises not to trust fully anyone not even one's wife)

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